Creating New Gift Registry

Title *
Visibility *   
Password *

Registrant Information

First Name *
Last Name *
Email *

Co-Registrant Information

First Name
Last Name

Event Information

Event Date *
Event Location
Event Message

Shipping Address

First Name *
Last Name *
Company Name
Address *
City *
Postcode *
Country *
State *
I agree to the terms and conditions

Create your own Baby Registry and share it with family and friends.


Step 1: Go the the top navigation bar and click on MY ACCOUNT

my account

Step 2: Create a new account by filling up your username and password and clicking REGISTER

register and create new account

Step 3: Click on Shipping and Billing addresses

billing address

Step 4: Click ADD - fill in the billing and shipping details and SAVE 

address saved

Step 5: Click on the MY GIFT REGISTRY in the navigation bar

my gift registry

Step 6: Find this button on the top of the page and click on CREATE NEW GIFT REGISTRY


Step 7: Fill in all requested information, agree to terms and conditions and select the event date.
*The registry expires on the event date, customers are advised to place all their shopping orders prior to the event date.

Confirm all information by clicking on Create Gift Registry button

rift registry created

Step 8: The page will refresh and your registry will be at the bottom of the page

- click on view more and add the products to your baby registry.

Your gift registry link will be also emailed to you.

last step

Step 9: Add product into your gift registry in 2 ways:

1. Click on the button ADD PRODUCT and start typing..

add products way 1


2. Browse through the website, open the product and click on ADD TO GIFT REGISTRY button

adding 2

Step 10: Once all the products are added, share the link with your friends and family (the link will also be emailed to the registrant)

Every time somebody purchases from the gift registry, the desired quantity decreases and registrant will be notified via email.

For more information contact us at in**@to*********.za

Happy Shopping!

Your Gift Registry Below